Our company was founded in 1994 as a family business. After a decade it developed to a small business.
Our company manufactures custom made metal and plastic parts. Our main profile is tool making. During the almost two decades of our existence we developed our capacity consistently and as a result we have stable past and background. Our services are from tool design to their production. The tool testing and the sample production is followed by own presses and injection molding machines. These machines are capable of serial production as well. In order to fulfill the orders on the highest levels our machinery is on a constant modernization and expansion.
35 specialized, highly skilled employees are making tools day by day. Our team of engineers has over thirty years of experience in tool making.
Your project will be extensively analyzed and we will find the best solution for your problem. With our own developed program for production tracking we can follow the elements of the tools through production. By using quality raw material and CNC machines we guarantee the best quality and long life for our products.